Concord Housing + Redevelopment:
Concord, New Hampshire's Housing Authority
Concord Housing + Redevelopment ( CH+R ) helps individuals and families throughout the Greater Concord area achieve something that is not always achievable without a helping hand—a place to call home. CH+R is making a direct impact on the quality of life of low to middle income families, the elderly, and people with special needs, through the housing opportunities and services we provide. Concord Housing + Redevelopment’s affordable housing programs provide decent, safe and affordable housing for families in a manner that promotes and improves the economic independence and social well being of its residents.
Public Housing
We provide for hundreds of families, our elderly residents and disabled citizens through our ownership and management of 262 public housing units.
Low Income Housing/Tax Credit
Low Income Housing Tax Credit property provides 2 and 3 bedroom units at affordable rents that include heat and hot water. There are income limits for this property. However rent is not federally subsidized.
Market Rate Rentals
Concord Housing + Redevelopment has a number of managed properties in the Concord areas that provide affordable housing for individuals and families.
Housing Choice Voucher Program
(Formerly known as Section 8)
The Housing Choice Voucher Program works as a rent subsidy allowing families to pay a reasonable share of income for rent with CH+R making up the difference.
A community thrives when its residents, businesses, and government work together to create a great place to live, work, and play. Concord has always benefited from forward-looking strategic thinkers who are also willing to roll up their sleeves and work hard. That’s what fuels economic growth, and Concord Housing + Redevelopment is dedicated to keeping Concord’s economic engine running.

Concord Housing Announces Opening of Housing Choice Voucher Waitlist
Effective November 20, 2023, Concord Housing will open their waitlist for their Housing Choice Voucher Program. The waitlists will automatically close once 100 applications have been received:
The HCV program was created to provide rent subsidies for eligible low-income families, elderly and persons with disabilities so they can afford to rent safe, decent and affordable housing. There are income limits for this program. Applicants need to meet eligibility criteria, including a criminal background check. Please visit 23 Green St. Concord, NH 03301 or call 603-224-4059 for an application.